Uninstalling the Adobe CC Desktop App
RE: Uninstalling the Adobe CC Desktop App
Adobe does not recommend that you uninstall the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app. If you must uninstall it, download the given uninstallers to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app.
Why do I need to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app?
Adobe strongly recommends that you do not uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app. However, in certain scenarios like a corrupted Creative Cloud desktop app, or problems installing some Creative Cloud apps, you can uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app.
For example, you may receive the following error message while updating the Creative Cloud desktop app:
Creative Cloud desktop failed to update. (Error Code: 2)
If you are seeing this error, follow the steps below to uninstall and then reinstall the Creative Cloud desktop app:
If you need to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app, download and run the uninstallation tool appropriate for your operating system. You will need administrative privileges to complete the uninstallation.
Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app on Windows
Ensure that all your files are already synced before you run the uninstaller. Files that are not synced to your Creative Cloud account could be potentially lost.
Download the uninstaller for your version of Windows:
Extract the contents of the zipped file.
Double-click the executable file.
You may be prompted to allow the uninstaller to proceed.
The installer prompts you to confirm that you want to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app. Review the message and select Uninstall.
The uninstaller removes the app from your computer and displays a confirmation message. Select Close.
Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app on macOS
Ensure that all your files are already synced before you run the uninstaller. Files that are not synced to your Creative Cloud account could be potentially lost.
Download the uninstaller for your version of macOS:
Extract the contents of the zipped file.
Double-click the installer file Creative Cloud Uninstaller.app.
Depending upon your security settings, you may receive a warning to open the uninstaller from the mounted DMG file. Select Open to continue.
The installer prompts you to confirm that you want to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app. Review the message and select Uninstall.
The uninstaller removes the app from your computer and displays a confirmation message. Select Close.
Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app silently (Enterprise only)
Ensure that all your files are already synced before you run the uninstaller. Files that are not synced to your Creative Cloud account could be potentially lost.
Follow the steps below to silently uninstall Creative Cloud desktop app from SCCM.
Create a folder on the machine which has SCCM server and place the Creative Cloud Uninstaller executable in it. You can pick the executable from any machine which has the latest Creative Cloud desktop app installed. The executable is located at:
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Creative Cloud\Utils\Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe
macOS: /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud/Utils/Creative Cloud Uninstaller.app/Contents/MacOS/Creative Cloud Uninstaller
Create a new package and use the folder created in the above step as the source.
Create a program and use the Creative Cloud Uninstaller.exe –u command to uninstall Creative Cloud desktop app.
Run this program from distribution point on all the client machines where you want to uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app.
The Creative Cloud desktop app can only be uninstalled if all Creative Cloud apps (such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro) have already been uninstalled from the system.
Use a fresh install when you run into problems with Adobe more specifically convert documents to and from PDF